Archives for March 2016

What happens if I leave a group of Whatsapp of which I am the administrator?

This post has its origin in the consultations made by our readers through the comments of our articles and also through our service Ask what you want…

For example…

How do I return to a group that I left but I was the administrator?


  If I leave a group of which I am the administrator, who will be the new administrator?

Qué ocurre si salgo de un grupo de Whatsapp del que soy administrador

When someone creates a WhatsApp group they become “the administrator” of that group and acquire certain privileges that should be known:


Locate your friends with Facebook’s ‘Close friends’ feature

Recently a new feature has been included in the Facebook application for mobile devices. It is about the possibility of constantly sharing our location on the social network. It is called Close friends and we can configure it so that other users see our position in an approximate or precise manner.

A few months ago it appeared for users from other countries, as is the case of the USA, but it is now when it has been deployed in our country. If it does not yet appear on a phone, it may be necessary to check if we have a properly updated version.

Amigos cerca de Facebook