Almost everyone who uses Whatsapp has “watched” the last connection hour of someone to whom we have sent a message to know if they have already read it. Sometimes we need to know if that person is aware or not of our message and to verify this data can be “indicative”.
The information provided by the “last time” and the fact that it can be hidden awakens all kinds of suspicions and obsessive surveillance behaviors. Questions like: has he blocked me perhaps? Why doesn’t he answer me? Has he deleted me from his contact list? And others related to the privacy of the application are continuous in the comments that our readers leave.
If for example we sent a message to someone at 12:00 pm and ten minutes later we see that the last time they were connected was at 12:02 pm, we can reasonably suspect that they read it. Added to this is the possibility of hiding the notification of reading with the double blue check that Android has and the privacy settings that each user can choose, which gets quite complicated to know for sure if someone has read or not our message. We will see how we can confuse our contacts by reading messages without altering our last connection.