How to completely erase a conversation from WhatsApp

One of the most frequent and most worrying inquiries we receive is whether the conversations with WhatsApp that have already been deleted can be recovered in some way.

Cómo borrar completamente una conversación del Whatsapp

We know that the application makes backup copies of our chats and that from there it is possible to recover conversations maintained in the past, as long as they are stored in those copies.

What many people want is to permanently eliminate conversations so that nobody can ever read them. The reasons for procuring this privacy are usually related to the fear of espionage by someone close to them, but also to the fact that they use the application to talk about absolutely personal and compromising topics, something that is not advisable when dealing with means that work through Internet.


Review the privacy of the new Whatsapp status

Recently a new feature has appeared in Whatsapp that allows to show small ephemeral videos. We will find it in what they call Status.

Revisa la privacidad de los nuevos estados de Whatsapp

Until now, the status in Whatsapp consisted of a simple phrase or small message associated with our profile that was shown next to our photo. It was constant as long as we did not modify it and we could choose to be seen by all users, only our contacts or nobody.

What is the Whatsapp status now?


Why is she online in WhatsApp but does not get my messages?

On occasion we have received comments from our readers describing situations in the functioning of WhatsApp that does not correspond with what was expected.

Some users observe that other people remain “Online” for a long time but when they send them messages, they are left with the simple mark, indicating that they have not received them.

Por qué está en línea en Whatsapp pero no le llegan mis mensajes


Disconnect Whatsapp Web if you do not want anyone to read your conversations

The tool that allows us to use Whatsapp on a computer is great and very functional. We can perform almost any action of this application but with the convenience of a larger screen and the use of the keyboard and mouse.

Desconecta Whatsapp Web si no quieres que lean tus conversaciones

But Whatsapp Web, which is how the tool is known, can become a major problem for our privacy if we do not manage it correctly.


How to use Whatsapp without changing our last connection time

Almost everyone who uses Whatsapp has “watched” the last connection hour of someone to whom we have sent a message to know if they have already read it. Sometimes we need to know if that person is aware or not of our message and to verify this data can be “indicative”.

The information provided by the “last time” and the fact that it can be hidden awakens all kinds of suspicions and obsessive surveillance behaviors. Questions like:  has he blocked me perhaps? Why doesn’t he answer me? Has he deleted me from his contact list? And others related to the privacy of the application are continuous in the comments that our readers leave.

If for example we sent a message to someone at 12:00 pm and ten minutes later we see that the last time they were connected was at 12:02 pm, we can reasonably suspect that they read it. Added to this is the possibility of hiding the notification of reading with the double blue check that Android has and the privacy settings that each user can choose, which gets quite complicated to know for sure if someone has read or not our message. We will see how we can confuse our contacts by reading messages without altering our last connection.


Utilizar Whatsapp sin que cambie nuestra última hora


How to know the last connection to whatsapp from someone who hides it

We’ve already talked about Whatsapp’s privacy settings on other occasions. It is a subject of great interest and generates numerous questions from our readers about how to view or hide information from other users in this messaging service.

Getting to know if the other person has read or not our message is often turned into an often unsuccessful exercise of espionage, since that person may have configured their privacy so that others do not even see when the messages are read (double blue check) nor when they connect.

Cómo saber la última conexión al whatsapp de alguien que la ocultaAndroid users have an ally that will greatly help Whatsapp spies in the task of knowing when one of their contacts was last logged on. What’s more, they will not only know the last time, but all the times they were connected and their duration, even if they have configured their privacy to hide their last connection and even blocked the spy.